The Georgia Indo-American Chamber of Commerce protects, develops, encourages, promotes and fosters trade, business, financial or professional interests
and commercial relations between India and the United States,
including specifically Georgia.
The Chamber accomplishes its mission by:
- Promoting, advancing and protecting direct commercial relations between India and the United States.
- Fostering a more enlarged and friendly relationship between business people interested or actively occupied in trade between India and the United States.
- Affording opportunity for its members to extend and continue social, cultural and educational activities on a strictly non-political, non-partisan basis
for mutual benefit.
- Providing networking among the members by means of social meetings; arranging and holding meetings and providing means and facilities for education and recreation; holding and arranging exhibits or participation in international trade expositions whenever necessary and expedient in the judgment of the Chamber; to open, keep, lease, own or maintain rooms, halls, recreation grounds, and places for international trade, education, cultural and social activities not inconsistent with any existing laws and regulations and in conformity with the laws of the state of Georgia under which this Chamber is organized.
- Purchasing or otherwise acquiring real and personal property of any and all kinds that may be lawfully acquired and held by a non-profit membership corporation and to buy, own,hold, lease or otherwise acquire by deed, contract, assignment, transfer, gift or pledge, real or personal property, rights or concessions of any kind or nature whatsoever or any interests therein and to convey by deed, contract, assignment, lease, transfer, gift or pledge any of the property of this Chamber in the pursuit and accomplishments of its aims, objects and purposes.